Monday, March 26, 2012

Guest Author Dianna BelleRose


 I would like to introduce to you to a new friend of mine who has just released a book called Fire and Ice. Her name is Dianna BelleRose. Her story is set during the Great Depression and the characters, Nancy and Tom will rivet you to their story of love and betrayal.

 About the book…

Which of the characters in Fire and Ice did you enjoy writing most? What made them so special to you? I loved writing about Nancy, she was my favorite character because has some traits I posses, very family oriented.

 Do you listen to music when you write?
Yes, I love music makes me relaxed and helps me work better.

 When did you know you wanted to be a writer?
 It was about five years ago when I had this voice inside my head telling me to write a book. It was so persistent, so I finally did it and that is how “Fire and Ice” came to life.

 Is there a message you’d like readers to take away from Fire and Ice?
Things are not always what it seems to look like. Always be ready for surprises and never give up.

 Are you currently working on a sequel or something equally extraordinary? Want to tell us a little about it?
Yes I do, I am working on my second romantic fiction novel which is the second part of “Fire and Ice”.

 Dianna, could you tell us a little about yourself, your hobbies or family?
I love my family, cannot get enough of spending time with them. They are very important for me. In my free time I love to read, exercise and paint. Yoga is my favorite because it brings me back to the spirituality and clears my head. 

 Finally, where can readers purchase your book and do you have a personal link you would like to share? They can buy it on Amazon and Barnes&Nobel.

I would love to share my website as well: and

 Thanks Dianna for sharing with us about your book, Fire and Ice. All readers who comment below will be eligible for a drawing for a free e-copy of your book.


  1. Sounds awesome, I would love to win a copy, :) thanks for the chance.

  2. Hello Dianna,
    You have chosen an interesting time to write about. It isn't often that we think of love and romance happening in the great depression. But it had to have because we are here.
    Yours truly,

  3. Very intriguing time period, Dianna--I definitely haven't read much set during those years! Thanks for giving us an intro!

    f dot chen at comcast dot net

  4. Thank you so much for your comments and Good luck to All of You
    Love, Dianna ♥

  5. I'm glad I found a new author to read


  6. Hi im Desi and i do a lot of review for authors and i like the way you did the cover it stand out This book will go places and hope you have great year with it The desperation hit alot of people all over and love to read and blog on it for you

    1. Thank you so much for the wonderful words, and I wish you all the best, Dianna ♥

  7. I think this is going to be a great read! Thank you for letting us have the opportunity to win a copy. Good luck to you!

  8. Hello, Dianna!

    Your book sounds very interesting...I will have to add it to my list of reads. I can also relate to listening to music while you write because I do the same thing. The music seems to elevate my creativity.

    I wish you the best of success with your current book and your future endeavors.

    Yvette Wilson Bentley

  9. Great interview! I hope I win!

    tifferz19 AT hotmail Dot com

  10. thsi book look great and then i love t he cover of t he book and would love to read it and blog on it for you

    1. Destitheblonde, you are the winer of Fire and Ice! Congrats!
