Saturday, May 26, 2012

Meet Author Dominique Goodall

Dominique Goodall is the author of the soon to be released Echoes of Winter, book one in the Seasons of the Wolf series and a self-confessed wolf addict. She has currently been published in two anthologies by Crushing Hearts and Black Butterfly Publishing and is currently working on getting herself better known by sending in manuscripts for as many different anthologies as she possibly can.
As much as she loves to admit it, she never will be able to count her wolf stuff- there's nothing left for her to be truly able to collect without her own home.

What inspired you to write?

I guess it was reading all these good books that told a story I could be engrossed in – often to the point of forgetting to eat. I never really believed I could, not even with the support of my friends and writing buddies. Even my dreams seemed to have a story like progression towards them – but four books really inspired me to push myself into writing properly. I was first introduced (properly) to wolves when I was 11, and I picked up a book called The Sight – and even now I can remember how the book starts (of course I’ve read it since then) and fell in love with a book told from their point of view.
After that came Fell, the sequel – and I’ve never cried so much during one book! It followed on the story in a way that really did engross me. My main influence was the duo, The Wolves of Time – well-written, unusually based but again, it wasn’t something that I could see pulling at me properly.
I was toying with writing one day, and I even had the opening to Echoes of Winter typed up…all four paragraphs of it. I gave up for the night and watched a TV show which mentioned how all dogs stemmed from three European wolves – and after sleeping I dreamed the main character up. Convel was born and the next day I had over 2000 words written up. I ended up fighting my way to 19,000 words where writer’s block (yes that dreaded, evil fiend) caught me firmly in its grasp. I didn’t write any more on it in a long while…and that’s when I decided to do NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) and added a further 54,000 words to it.
This gave me the boost I needed (along with those from the NaNoWriMo group pushing me along) to carry ON writing and writing…and even writing some more. Now, Echoes of Winter is a finished manuscript, with almost 118,000 words in its entirety, and a publishing date to be announced – and believe me, that alone will inspire me to continue writing even more!
I've also found that, upon reflection, my dog Gypsi (now running over the Rainbow Bridge) has also inspired me. She was my baby, my constant companion and my mood barometer. There wasn't a dog better for a pet, I'm sad enough that even now I miss her and the way she helped me with my writing by being there for me all the time.
Dominique can be friended on Facebook here:
Her blog can be found here:


  1. Very nice. I love that I'm not the only one on this tour that has a 'to be released' novel. LOL. I feel tons better, Dominique. Thanks for that. Great post!

  2. Excellent post Dominique! I'm so glad you overcame that writers block, and perserved with EOW!

  3. Thank you for allowing us the chance to know you better Dominique! I look forward to the release of your first book.


  4. Thanks Kim, Jen and Jen! And yes, Jen S. I've got a tentative release time! But not revealing that til I reveal my gorgeous cover!

  5. I love wolves! Can't wait to read. Thanks for sharing!


  7. Excellant post and good luck with your story. I also love wolves. My husband surprised me with one 15 years ago and she has been a special part of our family evre since.
    Thanks for sharing
